Pasadena Rt 66 Car Show
I went to a fabulous car show on Sunday Sept 14, in South Pasadena. It was on Mission Ave at Fair Oaks Blvd, which also happens to be one of the original sections of Route 66. Being a Route 66 fan, I just had to go. There were probably well over 200 cars, including, old trucks, vintage fire engines, European sports cars, musclecars, hot rods, even antique pumping motors used on farms, almost all mesticulously restored. Portions of the proceeds from vendors, and other donations are used to fund the South Pasadena Torunament of Roses Committee - the oldest self built float in the parade.
It was great time, met some great people and of course saw lots of neat cars. And it was right off the original 1926 alignment of Rt 66, which went down Fair Oaks Blvd before hitting Huntington then Mission onto Broadway and ending downtown at Broadway & 7th St. More on Rt 66 in future posts.

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